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Editing emission categories

Once you have added spend data to NetNada either through (1) integration with preferred accounting software or (2) CSV data upload you will see that every supplier has been automatically assigned a primary category and corresponding emissions. 

Each category is associated with an emissions factor. Therefore, the result shown in the column Emissions(kg/CO2e) depends on the category.

Editing categories for Needs Review suppliers

If any supplier shows up under Need Review you should accept or change the category allocation.

You can edit supplier categories in three ways. In your overview page, in your supply chain page or in your transaction stable.

In the Overview page

Edit the categories of your top 10 supplies in your Overview page:

  1. Navigate to the Overview page
  2. Scroll down to the bottom
  3. Press edit in any row and click change categories
  4. Select Primary Category
  5. Select Secondary Category
  6. Press Save
Edit function in Overview page

Selecting a secondary category

In the Suppliers page

Edit the categories for all your suppliers on your Supply Chain page.

You can repeat the same process mentioned above by navigating to Data > Supply Chain. If you want to sort by emissions by clicking the corresponding column. Alternatively, you can search for a supplier name using the search bar.

In the Transactions table

The transaction tables shows all the that has been included and excluded for emissions calculations. Editing categories in this table applies the changes only to each specific row. Performing the same action in the Suppliers or Overview pages automatically edits all transactions for that supplier.

Access the transactions table by:

  1. Navigate to the top right  of your screen and click the profile icon.
  2. Select Account.
  3. Scross to the bottom of the page.

You can edit the emission category by clicking the pen icon under the Action columns.

View of transactions table at the bottom of accounts page

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