Measure emissions and understand the carbon impacts of all of your products and services your business offers - from cradle to customer.
This is where the process starts: It all starts here: with a complete and accurate inventory of your business carbon emissions. Your measurement will include Scopes 1, 2, and upstream Scope 3 emissions (per the Greenhouse Gas Protocol).
Create and commit to a emissions reduction action plan that states what scope/category you’re aiming to reduce, your target, the timeline for getting there. With our support, this plan will include a realistic explanation on how you will achieve this.
We require all organisations to develop and implement reduction action plans (RAPs) to reduce emissions over the next 12-24 months and a longer 5 year target.
Organisations with over $50M in annual revenues must set science aligned reduction targets under the Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to reduce emissions ~50% by 2030.
We offer guides, templates, and tools to help you determine where, and how, you can reduce your emissions.
Achieve your Carbon Neutral Business Certification by purchasing eligible verified carbon and clean energy credits that counter act the result of your emissions calculations.
For the Carbon Neutral Business Certification, you'll buy one carbon credit for every tonne of your organisations carbon emissions. Projects vary and include carbon removals as well as carbon avoidance projects like direct carbon removals or reforestation remove carbon from the atmosphere, while clean energy avoids emissions from fossil fuels.