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Climate Week NYC 2024 is bringing together some of the brightest minds in sustainability to tackle the most pressing climate challenges. This year’s themes—ranging from energy to transport, and recently including health—highlight critical areas where carbon accounting and decarbonisation strategies can make a powerful impact. As a leader in sustainability and carbon accounting, the NetNada team aims to provide you with key insights that will help you navigate these themes, spark meaningful conversations, and network with hundreds of like-minded professionals.

Here’s how carbon accounting intersects with each of Climate Week NYC’s 10 major themes and how these insights can inspire innovative thinking and drive impactful discussions

1. Energy

Transitioning to renewable energy is central to global decarbonisation efforts. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the energy sector is responsible for approximately 40% of global carbon emissions. To meet climate targets, renewable energy must make up nearly 90% of global electricity generation by 2050.

How carbon accounting can help: Accurate carbon accounting is essential for tracking emissions reductions in energy projects, from solar installations to energy efficiency upgrades. Tools like NetNada can monitor progress, verify reductions, and provide transparency in reporting, making it easier to transition away from fossil fuels and prove success.

Food for Thought: Consider discussing how carbon accounting tools can validate energy transition projects and enhance credibility with stakeholders, investors, and regulators.

2. Environmental Justice

Climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable communities, with marginalised populations often facing the brunt of environmental degradation. This theme emphasises the importance of equitable climate solutions.

How carbon accounting can help: Carbon accounting can help address these inequalities by identifying high-emission areas and driving investment into decarbonisation projects that benefit disadvantaged communities. Companies that transparently report their climate impacts can better align with environmental justice goals.

Food for Thought: Reflect on how carbon reduction strategies can support both sustainability and social equity, creating holistic solutions that benefit communities and the environment.

3. Finance

Climate finance is key to accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy. The global shift to decarbonisation will require trillions of dollars in investment over the next few decades.

How carbon accounting can help: Transparent and accurate carbon accounting builds trust and credibility in climate finance. Whether for green bonds or carbon credits, companies must prove their carbon reduction efforts with detailed emissions data. NetNada’s platform simplifies this by providing clear, auditable emissions reports.

Food for Thought: Explore how carbon accounting enhances transparency for investors and helps secure funding for innovative decarbonisation projects.

4. Food

Agriculture and food systems are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for around 30% of global emissions. Sustainable practices in food production are critical for reducing the sector’s environmental footprint.

How carbon accounting can help: By tracking emissions across the entire food supply chain—from production to transportation—carbon accounting enables businesses to identify key areas for reduction. It also helps companies implement sustainable practices like regenerative agriculture and low-carbon farming.

Food for Thought: Think about how carbon accounting can assist food businesses in managing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices throughout their operations.

5. Health

The health impacts of climate change are increasingly clear, from heat-related illnesses to the spread of vector-borne diseases. The intersection of health and climate is a growing area of concern.

How carbon accounting can help: Reducing emissions in the healthcare sector can improve both environmental and public health outcomes. Hospitals and healthcare facilities can use carbon accounting to measure their emissions, target reductions, and track progress, contributing to healthier environments for patients and communities.

Food for Thought: Consider discussing how integrating carbon accounting in healthcare operations can lead to better health outcomes and operational efficiencies.

6. Heavy Industry

Heavy industry, including sectors like steel, cement, and chemicals, accounts for a significant portion of global carbon emissions. Decarbonising these industries is one of the greatest challenges for reaching net-zero.

How carbon accounting can help: Carbon accounting helps heavy industry players identify where emissions occur across their operations and supply chains. It enables them to implement decarbonisation technologies such as carbon capture and energy efficiency upgrades, while also meeting regulatory requirements.

Food for Thought: Engage in conversations about how carbon accounting supports innovation in reducing emissions from energy-intensive processes in heavy industry.

7. Nature

Protecting and restoring natural ecosystems is essential for mitigating climate change. Forests, oceans, and other natural systems act as carbon sinks, absorbing significant amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere.

How carbon accounting can help: Companies can use carbon accounting to assess the impact of deforestation, land use, and restoration efforts on their carbon footprint. Measuring carbon sequestration through nature-based solutions like reforestation can also be tracked and reported to investors and stakeholders.

Food for Thought: Discuss how businesses can integrate carbon sequestration into their strategies and highlight the value of nature-based solutions in their sustainability efforts.

8. Policy

Climate policies set the stage for global decarbonisation efforts. The right regulations and incentives can accelerate the shift to a low-carbon economy.

How carbon accounting can help: Policy frameworks increasingly require companies to disclose their emissions and progress toward net-zero. Carbon accounting enables businesses to stay compliant with these regulations and adapt their strategies to new policy developments.

Food for Thought: Consider how evolving policy frameworks are driving the need for more detailed carbon accounting and how businesses can stay ahead of regulatory changes.

9. Sustainable Living

Sustainable living practices, from renewable energy use to waste reduction, are key to reducing individual and corporate carbon footprints. Consumers are increasingly looking for businesses that align with their values.

How carbon accounting can help: Businesses can use carbon accounting to measure the impact of their operations on sustainable living. This data helps companies promote eco-friendly practices and transparently communicate their sustainability efforts to consumers.

Food for Thought: Reflect on how carbon data can inform corporate sustainability strategies and align with growing consumer demand for eco-conscious products and services.

10. Transport

Transport is responsible for nearly 25% of global CO2 emissions, and decarbonising this sector is critical for achieving global climate goals. From electric vehicles to sustainable public transportation, solutions abound, but implementation is key.

How carbon accounting can help: Accurate carbon accounting helps track the emissions of transport operations, from logistics fleets to air travel. It also plays a vital role in validating emissions reductions from electric vehicles (EVs) and other low-carbon transport solutions.

Food for Thought: Discuss how businesses in logistics, freight, and public transport can use carbon accounting to decarbonise their operations and showcase their sustainability efforts.


Climate Week NYC 2024 presents a prime opportunity to dive deep into decarbonisation and carbon accounting. Understanding how these practices intersect with each event theme will empower you to engage in impactful discussions and make meaningful connections. As we work together towards a net-zero future, tools like NetNada can help businesses track, reduce, and report their carbon emissions, driving real change.

With these insights, you’re ready to make the most of New York Climate Week 2024. Engage, collaborate, and lead the conversation on sustainability across various industries–through carbon accounting and decarbonisation.

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